Business Services

Retirement planning

Sestan & Co works with you to determine the best way to meet your retirement income needs.

Wealth accumulation

Saving, investing and borrowing funds are all strategies that can help you accumulate wealth. Sestan & Co will work with you to tailor appropriate wealth accumulation strategies and advice.

Wealth management

Determining what is important to you, Sestan & Co will analyse your needs and create financial models to help you manage your wealth and reach your financial goals.

Share market counsel and support

Sestan & Co provides direct equity advice, managed fund advice and share market support.

Strategic risk management and Wealth Protection

Sestan & Co helps you safeguard your income, ensuring you and your loved ones are supported during times of illness, an accident or personal tragedy. Wealth protection is critical to every financial plan. Without income, trauma, life and TPD insurance, your nest egg can quickly erode. Sestan & Co can assess your personal situation and recommend policies best suited to your needs. We can also review your current policies to ensure they are continuing to provide you with an adequate level of cover. This is particularly important should your financial situation change, requiring extended coverage for additional family members.